7LandHand Extra: Episode 8 – Tournament Play

Tournament Play ThumbThis week, we’re going deep on getting yourself ready for a MTG tournament. From talent, to prep, to looking after yourself, ‘level up’ with this epic episode.

We also play flavour text, MTG Card Quiz, read some provactive listener questions and it’s the final fortnight of the HUGE GG’s anniversary prize.

Guest 7Lander: Ash Webster.

Next Episode: 7LandHand: Lovecraft.
Next release date: 31st March 2014

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One Comment

  1. Tips for sleeping well.
    (from an article by local sleep expert Professor John Hillman):
    •reserving the bed for sleeping and sex
    •not using the bedroom as an office, workroom or recreation room
    •fixing a bedtime and an awakening time
    •limiting daytime naps to 45 minutes
    •not smoking and avoiding excessive alcohol consumption four hours before bedtime.
    •avoiding caffeine six hours before bedtime
    •avoiding heavy, spicy, or sugary foods four hours before bedtime
    •exercising regularly but not just before bed
    •using comfortable bedding
    •having a well ventilated room set at comfortable temperature
    •blocking out distracting noise and eliminating as much light as possible.

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