7LandHand Extra: Episode 2 – Magic

Magic Square7LandHand Extra is the foil version of the podcast.  It’s the Mythically Rare version of the usual format – only, we discuss Magic the Gathering.  Each month, inbetween the usual 7LandHand show, we’ll do a 7LandHand Extra on Magic.

Guest 7Lander: Sam Mavrantonis & Travis

In today’s episode, we aim to introduce new players to the game by reflecting on how we got in to Magic.  Local Rookie Champion, Sam, joins us to discuss just how fast you can pick up the game and start chiseling your way towards a PTQ victory.

New pod features: ‘Flavour Text’ and an ‘MTG Quiz’.

Next Episode: 7LandHand: Space.
Next release date: 6th January 2014.

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  1. I’m appalled, sickened, enraged, disgruntled, disillusioned and full (of it). Love your work, only open heart surgery is more entertaining than this.

  2. Great podcast guys, keep up the good work.

  3. each segment was better than the last! (seriously). what was i suppose to tweet to win stuff this time? Travis FTW

    • Hi Karl,
      Thanks for the kind words, Travis will be thrilled. Perhaps we do need to be more specific about what to tweet/or post.

      At the moment, posting/tweeting anything will get you in the running for next episodes prize. The best question/comment gets the prize.

      Hope enjoy the next show: Space

  4. I first came accross MTG about 1994 I was just spectating, I found it interesting but never bought cards until recently. I also played a bit of yugioh probably about 9-10 years ago. I recently played a bit of the Hearthstone Closed Beta which is an upcoming online card game from blizzard based on the hit warcraft/ world of warcraft. This reignited my interest in card games soon after I purchased Magic 2014 on ps3 and we came into your store to claim my promo pack and purchased the deckbuilder’s toolkit. Been back for a couple of deckbuilder’s tool kits since then now I’ve got a mate started off. We have had a few duels but there’s still the odd card we are not sure how to use properly. Apart from that it’s been fun and it’s about all the things yous said artwork, building a collection, opening the packs and looking for the rares and seeing that card that u must have in your deck. But I am a noob at deck building so can’t talk there. I think I’ve gone in foolishly with world of warcraft on my brain. I’ve focused on a swamp/mountain deck because the red spells seem to deal instant fire damage to the player or creature. It reminds me of a fire Mage in WoW and improbably leaving myself vulnerable by not having enough creatures and I can’t kite a player like you could in wow. Anyway I wanted to put the deck to a test the other night and had a game. None of the cards I had built my deck around we’re coming up and I won the game from these swamp cards I really hadn’t put much thought into. My deck is mostly red probably %60 . Every game is different and your strategy is constantly changing and often 1 card is all it takes to turn the tables. Good Times. ATM our games take longer than they should coz we stop to talk about a card that just came in and changed the game and have a laugh at the targets expense. With a bit of luck I might be able to get a couple more mates hooked.

    • Sounds like you’re on the right track, Woot!
      The crowd at Good Games St James are always keen to help new players with deck-tech strategies. It’s all about building the community and helping each other get the most out of the hobby…and maybe a ticket overseas to a Pro-Tour event heheh
      Feel free to ask Dave or Aaron for advice. There’s always a game of Magic happening in store, so loads of opportunities for you and your friends to test those new decks and meet new players.

  5. Enjoyed my first tournament (Rookie) very helpful friendly people. I definitely learnt a few things. I’m in the process of building a new deck Blue/Black. Got some fat packs and Born of the Gods fat pack on preorder. Just seen the pre-release spoilers from the Facebook link. I have to agree that the hydra looks nice. Will these cards be available in the boosters with different artwork or something? Or are they exclusive to pre-release events? Just alternate artwork right?

    • Glad you enjoyed the Rookie event!!

      If you’re referring to the spoilers on: Mythic Spolier, some artwork is a “Mockup” – which is indicated bottom left of the card, where the artist’s name usually is. What the final product looks like we’ll have to wait and see.
      (Also, sometimes early spoilers can be a product of eager MTG fans…)

      Wizards of the Coast will start a spoiler page soon. Those cards we can take as the final article.

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