7LandHand: Episode 55 – Dead of Winter

DoW Square‘Welcome into our post-apocalyptic zombie infested colony, we’re all friends here…except that guy, he may be a traitor. And Bob’s been eating too many beans?’ …that’s what’s going on in Dead of Winter, Plaid Hat’s first Crossroad Series game. We also have crowd interviews from Gamesfest 2015, Matt’s Quiz and details on how you can WIN Dead of Winter from your local Good Games store!

Your comments and support make our show better. Join the discussion and win the game Dead of Winter at: https://www.facebook.com/7landhand

Thanks to our sponsor, Good Games. Find a store near you: http://goodgames.com.au

Next Episode: 7LandHand Extra: Oath of Innistrad.
Next release date: 21st of December 2015.

FACEBOOK POST - 7LandHand Dead of Winter